A copy of the UK company's latest audited accounts with the accountant's name clearly shown, or a copy of the latest annual report. 英国公司的最近一份帐目审定书副本(须显示会计师名字),或是最近一份年度报告副本。
Original simple accountant of the institution no longer can satisfy the modern institution finance analysis work and policy-maker's need. The accounting report system should be perfected. 原有事业单位简单的会计报表已不能够满足财务分析工作和决策者的需要,应建立健全会计报告体系。
Accountant's audit report that or fault offering is unreal because on purpose, Not merely the client will suffer losses, And the third person will suffer the great economic losses. 独立审计人由于故意或过失提供不实的审计报告,不仅委托人会遭受损失,而且第三人也会遭受重大的经济损失。
The community responsibility accountant proceeds with macroeconomy angle, measuring to enterprise's business activities social influence and environmental impact and report, include the data collection, measurement and just and sound reflecting in time the data collected about the degree of performance of community responsibility. 社会责任会计是从宏观经济角度入手,对企业经营活动的社会影响和环境影响进行计量和报告,其中包括有关社会责任履行情况的数据收集、计量以及公允的将收集的数据及时反映出来。